Dear Industry Members

On Friday 02 November 2018, employers within the plastics industry obtained an interim order from the Labour Court, placing NUMSA and certain senior officials in contempt of court.


According to the order, NUMSA faces a R1million fine, whereby the General Secretary, Irvin Jim may be liable to pay R100,000 in his personal capacity, in the event that the interim order is made a final order.  Union members are accused of using petrol bombs, damaging property and assaulting an employee.  Affected plastics employers also consider instituting claims for damages against NUMSA.


This court order is also off the back of plastics employers successfully obtaining an interdict against the use of any violence and intimidation during NUMSA’s lawful strike.   Plastics employers foresaw the risks involved in a national strike and therefore successfully interdicted NUMSA, its members and supporters from participating in or instigating ‘unlawful behaviour involving any property or infringing the rights of any staff member or visitor to their premises.


NUMSA has 10 (ten) days to reply in respect of the interim order showing good cause as to why the order should not be made final.


Currently, the plastic strike is still in progress, and all negotiations have broken down between the parties, whereby all the parties will have to continue in the powerplay a strike entails.


National Collective Bargaining Team


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