Dear CEO-NBCRFLI Members


Since the national lockdown’s status went to level 4, the council also extended the TERS period for industry employers and employees alike.


The extended TERS measures are as follows:


Sick Leave Fund
Employers of quarantined-, COVID-19 infected-, or self-isolating employees, may claim for Sick Leave Fund based on contributions received to date by the NBCRFLI for said employees.  No medical certificates are required for these applications where employees have been quarantined for 14 days (a medical certificate is needed for sick leave in excess of 14 days).  However, a signed sick leave application form of the employer and employees is needed for the 14 days ‘sick leave’.

  1. All applications must be filed online with the council.
  2. This benefit cannot be claimed for employees employed for less than two months.


Holiday Pay Bonus Fund and Wellness Fund Contributions
Employers that are not operating (wholly or partly) due to the national lockdown, remains obliged to pay contributions for non-working employees to the Holiday Pay Bonus Fund.  However, these employers are required to contribute an amount equivalent to 2% per week of non-working employee’s normal basic weekly wage for the purposes of contribution to Wellness Fund.


Exemption Applications – Online
Employers that are in distress due to the pandemic may file an online application for exemption at

MEMBERS, PLEASE NOTE: The normal rules apply for these exemptions. The applications will be prioritised.


Short Time
During the national lockdown, the implementation of short time will be extended to the rest of the industry.

MEMBERS, PLEASE NOTE: Short-time in this context means a temporary reduction in the number of ordinary hours of work owing to a shortage of goods to be transported as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19.


Suspension of the Dispute Resolution process
MEMBERS, PLEASE NOTE: All disputes at council are suspended for the duration of level 4 of the lockdown or otherwise directed by the CCMA.


COVID 19- UIF TERS Benefit
MEMBERS, PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submission for the second phase of UIF TERS applications for the extended lockdown period of 17 April 2020 to 30 April 2020 is Monday, 11 May 2020.


Please click here for the full article of the NBCRFLI.