Dear CEO Members


Please note that an official notice has been publicised by the Government confirming a list of Bargaining Councils accredited by the CCMA in terms of the Provisions of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (amended) for conciliations, arbitration and inquiry by the Arbitrator for the period of 01 May 2020 to 30 June 2023.


The notice further indicated a list of bargaining councils which has been granted renewal subsidy by the Governing Body of the CCMA.


Furthermore, the Councils which are accredited are eligible to perform the following dispute resolutions functions:

  • Unfair dismissal disputes.
  • Unfair Labour practice.
  • Mutual Interest disputes.
  • Essential Services disputes.
  • Pre-dismissal arbitrations.
  • Temporary Employment Service.
  • Disputes about Interpretation and Application of Chapter 2 of the LRA.


However, the Councils may not seek accreditation for the following dispute resolution functions regarding disputes over the following:

  • Organisational rights (sections 16, 21 and 22).
  • Collective Agreements where the agreement does not provide for a dispute resolution procedure or the procedure is inoperative, or any party frustrates the resolution of disputes.
  • Agency shops and closed shops.
  • Determinations made by the Minister in respect of proposals made by a Statutory Council.
  • The interpretation and application of Collective Agreements of a Council whose registration has been cancelled.
  • Demarcation of sectors and areas of Councils.
  • The interpretation or application of Part C (Bargaining Councils), Part D (Bargaining Councils in the Public Service), Part E (Statutory Councils) and Part F (General Provisions concerning Councils).
  • Picketing.
  • Proposals which are the subject of joint decision making in a workplace forum.
  • Disclosure of information to workplace forums.
  • Interpretation or application of the provisions of Chapter 5 of the LRA which deals with workplace forums.
  • Enforcement of the Collective Agreements by Bargaining Councils.
  • Enforcement of arbitration awards in terms of section 143.


Please click here for the detailed government notice published on the 22 May 2020 for your perusal.


Queries / CEO Membership: For any queries of existing members, or enquiries on how to become a CEO member, please contact our head office at (012) 880 0294 or e-mail us at



CEO Collective Bargaining Team