Dear CEO Members


With the implementation of a level 4 national lockdown and the easing of certain businesses and industries from 01 May 2020, some businesses have the opportunity to resuscitate their operations.  However, there are still many requirements for business before they may start, and continue with business going forward under the national lockdown.


Being in constant communication with the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) and the Department of Health on the above, CEO is sharing the relevant guidelines developed from the government gazette regulations for a practical guide on Employer Readiness and Preparedness in starting up its operations and bringing back their respective employees.


Please click on the following links:

  1. Notice -Dept of Labour COVID19 Guideline on Workplace Preparedness
  2. Guidelines for Quarantine and Isolation iro COVID19
  3. Form – Walkthrough Risk Assessment
  4. Form – Worker COVID19 Risk Assessment


Queries / CEO Membership: For any queries of existing members, or enquiries on how to become a CEO member, please contact our head office at (012) 880 0294 or e-mail us at


CEO Collective Bargaining Team