Dear CEO Members,


On 15 May 2020 the Minister of Employment and Labour,  Thembelani Waltermade Nxesi, issued an amended Directive to the Regulations issued by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in terms of section 27 (2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002).


Further Amendment to the 25 March 2020 Directive

The Directive provides where an employer whose employees are entitled to receive COVID 19 benefits provided by the Unemployment Insurance Fund during the period of lockdown from a bargaining council or entity, may not make an application in terms of the Scheme. The employees of that employer may not receive any payment in terms of the Scheme other than through the bargaining council or entity.


This applies when parties to the bargaining council have concluded a collective agreement and or memorandum of agreement, it strictly provides conditions regarding claims for TERS benefits where parties to an agreement are bound by the agreement.


An employee may individually apply for COVID -19 benefits if:

  1. the employee meets the requirements of clause 2.1.1 (a) of this Directive;
  2. No bargaining council or entity has concluded an MOA with the UIF in terms of clause 3.8; and
  3. the employee’s employer has failed or refused to apply for COVID -19 benefits.


Click here to view the full directive.


For any questions, please contact our office at (012) 880 0294 and/or e-mail us at


CEO National Collective Bargaining Team