- NDip Paralegal
- Chairperson for the Representivity Committee at the Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry
Telephone: 012 880 0294
Mobile: 081 746 4963
E-mail: ernest.masupye@ceosa.org.za
I began my journey at CEO in 2015 as a legal assistant at our Head office in Gauteng. Following that, I occupied the position of Collective Bargaining co-ordinator in the Gauteng region and recently, got promoted to being the Senior Collective bargaining Co-ordinator.
Since occupying this position and together with our newly appointed National Collective Bargaining Co-ordinator Daniel Van der Merwe, the Collective Bargaining department realigned its strategic goals and objectives to constantly strive to ensure CEO’s members’ interests are always protected while simultaneously looking towards the bigger business and employment picture in relation to Collective Bargaining in the various industries. I am looking forward to furthering my studies within the field of business management and business development and not forgetting the Labour Relation to be able to contribute towards the growth not only of CEO, but also CEO members.
It needs to be noted that the CEO collective bargaining department was part of the National Negotiation Team at the MEIBC, NBCPSS, BCCEI, BIBC and NBRFLI in which our members were represented, and their voices were heard during the negotiations. The Collective Bargaining department is always engaging with CEO members regarding latest developments amongst the different bargaining council within South Africa, unlike most employer organisation who are not party to any bargaining council, and it is a great honour knowing that CEO is always the voice of SME business.
We believe that the year 2023 will be a great year for the Collective Bargaining department especially with regards to the new ideas and ensuring that our goals are met.