• LL.B Degree
  • Attorney
  • Current Vice-President of the MEIBC

Telephone: 012 880 0294
Mobile: 0837166651
E-mail: daniel@ceosa.org.za

Daniel Van Der Merwe began his journey at CEO in 2018 as dispute resolution official in the George office. Since then, Daniel has occupied the position of provincial manager in the Eastern Cape region whilst recently making the transition to the office of the National Collective Bargaining Co-ordinator in Gauteng.

Since occupying this position, the Collective Bargaining department has re-envisaged its strategic goals and objectives culminating in Daniel recently being elected as the deputy president of the MEIBC. Daniel, with the assistance of his skilled Senior Co-ordinator, Ernest Masupye, seeks to constantly strive to ensure CEO’s members’ interests are always protected while simultaneously looking towards the bigger business and employment picture in relation to Collective Bargaining in the various industries.

Daniel currently furthering his studies to not only contribute to the growth and development of CEO but to specifically provide the best and most informative input and guidance to CEO’s members in relation to their interests at collective bargaining and industry level.

Daniel has a keen interest in training and development, through integration with CEO’s training department, it is envisaged that this passion will materialise in the form of greater training and development programs being rolled not only within CEO but directed at CEO’s members as well.