Following the wage negotiations that have concluded at the MEIBC, various parties are looking to commence negotiations on both the Registration and Administration Collective Agreement as well as the Dispute Resolution Collective Agreement. Both the agreements can be viewed here for ease of reference: Dispute Resolution Agreement and Registration & Administration Collective Agreement. Members will note that both agreements expire as at 31 March 2025.
Currently, it appears that parties would like to take the existing two agreements and extend same by an additional three years. The proposed increases to be affected on the various levies prescribed in the agreements would be to increase the current rates by the prevailing year-on-year CPI rates as at December 2025, December 2026 and December 2027 respectively, very much in line with what the current agreements indicate.
While not formally seeking a mandate at this stage on the proposals as highlighted above, we would like to ascertain from our members their input on the above. Please complete the form below indicating your stance on the proposals. We believe the proposals to be reasonable in the circumstances.
Any further developments in relation to the negotiations of the above two agreements will be communicated as and when any developments arise.
For members who have already completed the form, we thank you, and there is no need to fill it in again.