
Shareholders: When can they be defined as employees and when does the CCMA have jurisdiction?

Whilst from the onset it is correct to say that the Labour Relations Act does not apply to shareholders of a private company in South Africa, this view is perhaps too simplistic and overlooks the common situation amongst smaller and growing businesses in South Africa whereby individuals are both shareholders and employees in a company. [...]

2020-03-06T09:53:24+02:00March 6th, 2020|General|Comments Off on Shareholders: When can they be defined as employees and when does the CCMA have jurisdiction?

Statutory Dismissal of Public Service Employees for Absenteeism

"DEEMED DISMISSAL" The word ‘deemed’ must here be taken in its general sense as meaning ‘considered’ or ‘regarded’. We all assume that the law applies equally to both private as well as public service employees, but the moment we refer to “deemed dismissals”, we realize that there are different rules for these two types of [...]

2017-10-11T11:57:04+02:00March 18th, 2016|General|Comments Off on Statutory Dismissal of Public Service Employees for Absenteeism
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