disciplinary action

The rule does not exist

Employers have a right to implement workplace policies to regulate employees' conduct. The breach of such policies is usually the cause of disciplinary proceedings because employers use the policies to determine misconduct and categorise it accordingly. So, what happens if the company has not implemented any policies? Can the employer still discipline the employees? Employers [...]

2023-05-18T12:50:04+02:00December 5th, 2022|Contracts, General, Theme|Comments Off on The rule does not exist

Double Jeopardy

When an employee causes damage to the property of the employer or the employee causes the employer to suffer a loss, the employer might find themselves in a position where they would not only want to take disciplinary action against the employee, but also recover the loss or damage suffered.   This then begs the [...]

2018-11-16T10:26:41+02:00November 16th, 2018|General|Comments Off on Double Jeopardy
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