
What happens if a party doesn’t attend an arbitration?

The CCMA and most Bargaining Councils allow for a customary 30 minute waiting period if a party is not present at the time stated on the notice of set down, which is referred to as a ‘grace period’.  This grace period is not allowed for in the rules and is not always afforded.  The Bargaining [...]

2018-11-08T15:31:26+02:00November 11th, 2016|General|Comments Off on What happens if a party doesn’t attend an arbitration?

Rescission Applications

From time to time it so happens that the respondent is absent from a CCMA or Bargaining Council matter and then a Default Award can be made in favour of the applicant.  Fortunately, there is a remedy available for the respondent to prevent the award from being enforced. The respondent can apply to have the [...]

2017-10-11T12:21:37+02:00September 8th, 2016|General|Comments Off on Rescission Applications

How to react to the receipt of a Default Award

It is an often occurrence due to some unforeseen factor that the Respondent (employer) fails to attend a matter as set down by the CCMA or Bargaining Council. This could be because the Respondent did not receiving the notice of set down due to a technical or administrative error. […]

2017-10-11T11:17:09+02:00December 2nd, 2015|Arbitration|Comments Off on How to react to the receipt of a Default Award
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