
Discretionary Bonuses & the Principle of Fairness

Discretionary annual bonuses are supplementary payments made by employers to employees, typically at the end of the year, prior to the festive season. Although this benefit should serve as an incentive for outstanding employee performance, the criteria for deciding who receives a bonus and how much can sometimes lead to disputes about fairness and the [...]

2024-12-04T09:19:06+02:00December 4th, 2024|General|Comments Off on Discretionary Bonuses & the Principle of Fairness

Festive season shutdown for businesses and the provision/expectation of certain benefits

While many employers will experience their busiest period of the year in the lead-up to, or during, the festive season, other employers will instead take the opportunity to close their businesses for a few days. Given the recent discovery of the new COVID-19 variant in South Africa, some employers may also be reconsidering their business [...]

2021-12-10T10:21:33+02:00December 10th, 2021|General|Comments Off on Festive season shutdown for businesses and the provision/expectation of certain benefits

What to expect when your employees are expecting… a bonus

No one could have anticipated what the year 2020 held in store, not to mention the Covid-19 pandemic.  As we draw to the end of the year, the common practice of bonus season arrives. With a struggling financial year for most, employees may not receive any bonuses this year. Even though it sounds unreasonable to [...]

2020-10-19T12:37:00+02:00October 19th, 2020|Contracts|Comments Off on What to expect when your employees are expecting… a bonus
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