Dear Industry Members
Today earmarks a historic event at the MEIBC, as all the parties to the council met, and cast their votes whether or not they support the decision to request to the Minister of Labour to extend the following agreements to non-parties / non-signatories:
- Registration and Administration Expenses Collective Agreement (RAECA), which CEO and its members have been party/signatory to, since 25 January 2018; and
- the Consolidated Main Agreement 2017/2020, which CEO and its members are not party/signatory to the agreement.
On 23 August the MANCO of the council resolved that all parties are to vote on these agreements being in line with section 32 of the Labour Relations Act. Today’s meeting was an all-inclusive process for all parties, employees and employers alike, to cast their votes.
After all the parties cast their votes; a MEIBC team counted the votes in the room, in front of the parties, whereby the Administrator Mister Afzul Soobedaar announced the outcome as follows:
- for the Registration and Administration Expenses Collective Agreement (RAECA), the vote carried in favour of extending the agreement to non-parties, whereby 100% of representative unions and 62% of representative Employers’ Organisations being in favour thereof; and
- For the Consolidated Main Agreement 2017/2020, the vote carried in favour of extending the agreement to non-parties, whereby 100% of representative unions and 69% of representative Employers’ Organisations being in favour thereof
Therefore, the council will proceed to request the Minister of Labour to extend the agreements mentioned above to non-parties, which will come into effect from the date determined by the Minister (the date of gazettal of the agreements). This date of when these agreements will be extended is currently unknown, however, members can expect it to take place in November 2018. CEO will communicate any developments to its members.
Copies of the agreements are available on request.
Queries / CEO Membership: For any queries of existing members, or enquiries on how to become a CEO member, please contact our head office at (012) 880 0294 or e-mail us at